February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines

Happy Valentines to the best friend, lover, and husband I could ask for. I love you!

February 5, 2010


Came to me today...spent a fair amount of time on it, but anything worth something costs something...right? Couldn't come up with a name yet...any ideas?

I reach for you, I feel a touch
Naked I stand, without shame
Expectant of your soft caress
I close my eyes, relax my frame

Burning with your kisses,
The heat flows down my skin
As you smoothly glide across me
A sigh sounds from within

As every part absorbs your warmth
The cold world's left outside
Behind a shadowed veil we stay
Swept along our steamy tide

Fall on me now, leave behind your trace
Like drops of rain on a spring times' day
When all is done I'll turn my back
Leave your side and walk away

I'll seal up tight your rush of power
Till next I need your warm embrace
I know I'll find you in your lair
Waiting to kiss my upturned face.

--Dedicated to my shower (muwahahaha, no I do not have too much time on my hands ;-))

February 3, 2010

Face Painting

We have an event on Saturday the 6th of February, so I have been practicing my face painting skills...not like I actually ever did it, but I do have artistic talent so it was easy to pick up.