May 14, 2009

Dustin Walks

May 11, 2009

A Bit of This and That

Recent pics of the kids...

...growing up so fast... has to wonder...

..."Where did all the time go?"

Enjoy them while they are still around.

Liani and Darren celebrated their birthdays together. We had a simple little party with their friends from the area. It was Easter themed. There was a chocolate egg hunt, games (organized by Kay), cake and ice cream, and basket ball for the parents, well the dads. The moms got the clean up. :-)

Trying out the pool for the first's an older pic, I have been neglecting my blog.

May 1, 2009


God said, “Come to the edge.”
We said, “It’s too high.”
“Come to the edge.”
We said, “We might fall.”
“Come to the edge.”
We came, and He pushed us, and we flew.