January 27, 2009

Christmas Present

We all know how impractical it is to drag a desktop from table to table, so in order to multi task, I got a laptop. Now, a few years later, carrying a laptop from place to place just didn't seem to cut it for this day and age, so I got this. It is small, handy and I can use it at any time: while nursing the baby, walking him around the room, and while riding in the car. Now I can truly redeem the time and play Solitaire throughout the day.

January 25, 2009

Oh, Right....

....I have a blog, I should post sometime.

January 10, 2009

Kids and Their World

Liani was standing on the scale. I asked her what she was doing. She replied, " I'm sizing my weighs".

We were playing a board game that uses little cars. It's a game of life where you get jobs, buy a home and so on. At the end you retire. When explaining that to the kids, Kenny said, " Oh yes, it's when you get new tires so you can keep going."

When praying for the night Kenny asked, "Can we pray like the Mississippians?" (meaning Muslims)

One night I went to check on the kids to make sure they were doing good. Liani was out of bed on the other side of the room talking with the boys. I sent her to bed. About 10 min later I went back in the room cause I heard talking. Liani was again by the boys beds. I sent her back to bed. About 30 seconds later I heard talking again, came in the room and as soon as she saw me she said in a very exasperated voice, "Ohh, not again."

Liani was opening and closing drawers in the kitchen. This conversation ensued:
Mom: Please stop playing in the kitchen.
Liani: i am not playing I have to check on things that I am cooking.
Mom: Well, can you check on things in the dining room? The kitchen is dangerous.
Liani on her way out the door: Mom, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Tsk tsk...little girl, big attitude.

January 3, 2009

Dead Zoo

I was told that when I was 2, we visited the natural history museum in Geneva, and when asked how my outing was, I said that we went to a zoo, but all the animals were dead.
We've revisited that dead zoo many times in my child hood, and I wanted to share that special experience with my kids as well....so since we were spending our vacation with my parents in their home in Geneva, we made a stop over.
Actually it is a very cool place with big realistic sceneries of animals and their habitats all over the world.

Kay got a camera for Christmas. Below are her shots of the museum sights.

Yup, it does have a two heads, no, I did not do that in photo shop, yes it is alive. On the bottom floor they have a couple terrariums with various reptiles on display. This guy was born the same year as my daughter. Of course she does not have two heads.....