February 23, 2009

Skis and Snowboards

Lots of snow this year means fun times. Don't go by Kenny's look...he is actually having fun...


Kay and Liani

My little pro...

Kenny learning to snow board

The boys with Andy, visiting from India

Andy and Mich trying to make it look like they are speeding along down the slope....they do look rather silly so lets help them out a bit...

...that's better...

February 21, 2009

Of Teeth

Kenny lost his first tooth, with Darren following a few days later. The tooth fairy was generous and gave them 2 franks each. Oh yay. On the other hand Dustin has gained 2 teeth. Maybe she passed them on to him. Who knows...!

Look, I lotht a tooth. Thee mom.

Brushy brushy....

Din't get to capture a pic of Darren's anyways, his new tooth was already there behind the old one...arrg. Hope he doesn't need braces.

February 18, 2009

Girl Power

We had a big snowfall, and so Stella and I spent some time clearing our drive way. I dare say we did a pretty good job. It was snowing so much, that after we finished, the first half we had done was already covered with 10cm of snow and needed a second round.

Lots of snow...

February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

This day has never been just about me and my significant other, since I never had any till I was 23 and married. I always just celebrated it as a day of doing nice things for others. Since giving to others has always been fun for me, the anticipation of seeing someone's reaction to a surprise is multiplied over many times when I do things for other people and not just one person.

Even after being married, we always did something for random people in our home. Roses to all the single ladies, a card for the guys or some special treat for a good friend.

And this year was no different. Cards were given to all the guys, signed by all the ladies, and the latter each received one rose. (No one knew about the roses and the guys did not know about the cards and..did I forget to mention the chocolate?..I did.) Oh and I also was part of a secret surprise for someone...shhhhhh......Anyways, I had fun.

Besides I also did get something solid out of it all besides satisfaction of seeing a bunch of happy people, some tulips from DV and roses from Kenny who insisted that I buy them using his pocket money since they were a special present from him to me. So sweet.

So Happy Valentines to you all. May you use it to make someone's day brighter.